a lot of water moving really fast.

December 18, 2005


El Hassan Bin Talal...

I just saw part of a video where a preacher announced with a lot of research that his man might possibly be the Antichrist.

He gave three scriptural titles of the Antichrist:
  • The Assyrian
  • The Prince
  • The Man of Sin

He took apart an idea commonly held from Daniel 11:36, that Antichrist would be Jewish, by citing two scholars.

He then went into some interesting details about the history of El Hassan's family, education, interests, and involvements. He filled in some Middle Eastern history and then we turned the video off.

I thought it was interesting but for some reason very ANTI-CLIMATIC. I mean, is that how I'll find out? By someone's prophecy conference video?

It did make me wonder how I would know if the Antichrist were looming large. Would he be headline news? What are the Biblical requirements of Antichrist? How much should I even think about it?

He is talked about in Scripture and I have not thought about it too much. So here's to learning something...

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About Me

Someimtes I feel like I was made for distant lands and agricultural awareness. You know, the kind of guy that carries a machete and fights bad guys all in the name of God.