a lot of water moving really fast.

October 17, 2006

Woo HOO!

I'm excited because Marci and I will be taking a trip down to Texas this Thanksgiving holiday.

This is no ordinary trip. We will be assembling a team of people and ministering the gospel while we're there. My parents are involved with Hope Community Church in Plano, TX. We asked if we could use their building to host a 12 hour prayer meeting. They said yes!

Well. What can you do for 12 hours? Friday noon to midnight will be packed full of opportunities to engage the Lord. There will be teaching, music, prayer promptings and ministry time. Our hope is that people will be able to meet the Lord in a deeper way.

I like an illustration that Dallas Willard gave in Spirit of the Disciplines. He noted that you may dump a cup of water on your head every day for your whole life, but never get clean. Over the course of time those cups add up to thousands of gallons, but the daily effect is minimal. You just don't get clean. It takes a certain volume and intensity to break through in certain things. We think it's like that for certain things in the Kingdom as well.

We want to provide an opportunity and some understanding for those who might not otherwise experience something like this to expose themselves to the Lord.

More to follow...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Richard, despite the appearances this was a major victory for our group down in Texas. I can't wait until we get to heaven and God tells us the full reason we went down there.

About Me

Someimtes I feel like I was made for distant lands and agricultural awareness. You know, the kind of guy that carries a machete and fights bad guys all in the name of God.