a lot of water moving really fast.

February 25, 2006

Consequence of Ideas

Talks over tea become the killing fields of tomorrow.

Humans are something and as a result they work a certain way. This is such an important fact. A computer is put together a certain way and so it operates based on how it is put together. It’s common sense.

Again, when we call something whatever it is, like computer, we mean something about how it’s put together, what it does and what we can expect when it works properly. People are no different.

Because people are people they operate on ideas. An idea is a non-physical thing that exists in the minds of people and allows them to interact with reality beyond the sensory level.

Ideas are the language of the soul.

They are communicated in words, images, music, etc. They are the tracks that lives run on. This is nothing more than a human deal. This is description not persuasion. Everyone is subject to their ideas. It can’t be helped.

What can be helped is the quality of the ideas that you run on. Once aware that people run on ideas, you can begin to consider your ideas and figure out which ones are good and which ones are bad.

An idea is good and true as long as it corresponds to reality. If it doesn’t then it’s bad and false.

The most important thing about any person is what they think about God.


Anonymous said...

would you go as far as to say people operate on their own ideas? i can see how this can be true, but i can also see otherwise... it seems though that you are talking about the ideas of people. i think what you are saying here can be much bigger than you originally intended. similar to einstien's theory of relativity

richard said...

What do you mean about Einstein's theory of relativity?

by people's ideas I mean the stuff in their head. Tey could be right or wrong, personal or widely held. It's the thing called idea that I'm talking about.

Oh..and it's really big! :)

Anonymous said...

Einstein's theory. People are still figuring out all that his theory entails. Einstein couldnt even do the thing by himself. he got help from his teachers to create the theory that we know today. the idea was his, but there is no way he understood all that it involves.

Anonymous said...

good to see you updated
excellent writing.
check out my bands song at www.myspace.com/openocolouredworld
tell me what you think

About Me

Someimtes I feel like I was made for distant lands and agricultural awareness. You know, the kind of guy that carries a machete and fights bad guys all in the name of God.