There is a place in my being that experiences sensations, attitudes, conditions, whatever...feelings. I'm happy, sad, angry, lonely, excited, dispondent, disappointed, satisfied, hungry, tired and sometimes...confused.
What place has God appointed for such things? Do I make it a goal to have "good" feelings? Do I attempt to destroy bad feelings? The Scripture does say things like "Be joyful" and "Your ungodly desires have been crucified." They seem pretty important. I just listened to Dallas Willard on the internet and he made the comment that feelings are the interface between what ourself and what we do. If we're happy it's gonna be a good day at work. If we're sad or angry, it's gonna be a bad day. This, he says is no good according to the Scripture. These kinds of feelings are dangerous because they claim allegiance and force us to take their harsh burden. It is like covetesnouss which is idolatry. The Lord took us to the cross that we might be free from such things and walk in newness of life and fullness of life. I like what he said, that we need not obey our desires. We have a will that can move in opposition and shut down false feelings. We can choose to remove ourselves into a wider sphere of sight and understanding through the cross of Christ and see a different way. We can engage the grace of God and make a choice to walk in the light and Godly emotions will begin to flow. I think...
a lot of water moving really fast.
About Me
- richard
- Someimtes I feel like I was made for distant lands and agricultural awareness. You know, the kind of guy that carries a machete and fights bad guys all in the name of God.
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