a lot of water moving really fast.

September 06, 2005

Gotta Write Something

I have to write something or I'll have missed two days in a row. That is bad. To write, this is good. Come to think of it this is a great exercise in realizing how little I actually engage during my day. Can you think of those people who are always bubbling over with a stoey from their day? They tell you about how their dog ran out the door with milk froth on its whiskers and about that led to a great and fulfilling day. I on the other hand could have interacted with alien life and at the end of the day either forgotten it or considered it "normal." This, I believe, must change. The life I live must be liveed to the full which is more like the frothing dog people than like the "I dunno" people. So, active engagement, thinking, feeling, talking, or doing something different and new. These are some ingredients in the recipe for good journaling and story-telling. Great, I wrote something. What do you think?

1 comment:

Shane said...

i personally would like to hear of your interaction with alien life sometime - ya know, just to compare it to my own and make sure i am somewhat common

About Me

Someimtes I feel like I was made for distant lands and agricultural awareness. You know, the kind of guy that carries a machete and fights bad guys all in the name of God.