a lot of water moving really fast.

September 20, 2005

Braverest New World Yet! More to Come!

There is a man whom the locals call Baker. He runs an organic farm, lives in a teepee on twelve acres and has at least 201 chickens. He sports some kind of Indian haircut like off Dances with Wolves. I like him.
The other day I saw him with a giant blue barrel on the back of his diesel flatbed truck. A long black rubber hose was winding down from the barrel into his gas tank.
I hear him and another guy talking excitedly about the future of GREASEL. Vegetable oil is a-ok to run in a diesel engine. Apparently Mr. Diesel himself envisioned such a thing and some angry oil man stole it all away...
Not from Baker.
He's taking it back. That blue barrel was 100% pure used restaurant fry oil, and it was free. He had a piece of panty-hose wrapped around the end of the hose to keep out the dregs. The exhaust smelled like french fries. Mmm. Think of it.

Click here to smell the fries.


Shane said...

here i come most days - only to find an empty slate of no new material.

i shrug my shoulders and hope for tomorrow.

Marci Lewellen said...

i love you richard

About Me

Someimtes I feel like I was made for distant lands and agricultural awareness. You know, the kind of guy that carries a machete and fights bad guys all in the name of God.